In this day of moral relativism there are two words that have been grossly twisted by the intellectual community. These words are tolerance and natural. These manipulations have done a wonderful job at promoting immoral and unethical lifestyles. The societal norm, which in our grandparent's day was a safeguard against promiscuity, adultery, pornography, dishonesty and other heinous sins, has been replaced by a new societal norm in which the only thing that is seen as wrong is saying that something is wrong. As I watch the popular culture of our wonderful nation slide further and further into the gutter, I am incredibly fearful for my own son's future in this increasingly disgusting world. And so I wish to put the record straight about the meanings that these words are supposed to convey so that we can hopefully adjust some of our thinking and in so doing adjust some of our behavior.
Merriam-Webster defines tolerance in several different ways. One of them is what most people think of when they say the word tolerance. It is: "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own." However, I think that the other definitions are also good to look at. This one: "the maximum amount of a pesticide residue that may lawfully remain on or in food" is my favorite. Leave it to the FDA to help me define what I think tolerance today really is. But lets return to the first definition. Sympathy conveys that you feel sorry for a person's beliefs or practices. When you feel sorry for someone, you typically try to help them improve their situation. This is not considered wrong and is really what tolerance is all about. We don't condemn or judge, but we have sympathy and try to help them fix whatever situation we feel sorry for. Indulgence is what the world focuses on when they drop the word tolerance. Indulgence conveys images of a parent-child relationship in which the parent spoils or indulges the child. In other words the parent allows the child to make decisions that the child is not ready to make in regards to his/her appetites and desires. This harmful parent-child relationship, if carried to its extreme, leads to childhood obesity, a sense of entitlement and utter disregard for others. It also erodes or altogether eliminates self control. This is what we do when we indulge our children, and as parents have indulged their children, it has led us as a society to indulge disgusting and corrupt practices that erode the moral fabric around which any good society must be built.
Now, I don't want to make the impression that I am a closed minded bigot who wants all immorality stamped out violently. I am not a fanatic. What I do want to make the impression of is that I am sick of being called closed minded or bigoted when I call evil evil. The political correctness of our day has made it so that our opinions have to be so closely shrouded in proper vernacular that we can no longer express our opinions in a way that leaves no doubt as to where we stand. This is a tragedy. I can no longer express tolerance in a way that is sympathetic. I can no longer seek to help those who are in the wrong path because just by saying there is a wrong path I have become hopelessly politically incorrect. I have to be indulgent or silent. The fact is there is such thing as a wrong path. The human machine was made to operate in certain ways and operating it in any other way is wrong. Even though something may feel good or seem easy, does not make it right or acceptable.
This leads me to the second word that I feel is being used in all the wrong ways today: natural. Natural means literally "from nature." I have heard this word used as justification for so many things that are not right. I remember having a discussion about pornography and a person said "looking at pornography is bad but it comes from a totally natural thing, which is for a man to check out a woman." Yup, totally agree. I would even say that looking at pornography is a natural thing as well. You could look at it as browsing at the grocery store. Since sex is on the same "natural" level as eating, it only makes sense that browsing for food and browsing for sexual fulfillment are on the same level. No matter that even as women make great strides to become independent and free from male dominated society, pornography is objectifying and diminishing them much more than any 1950s husband ever did. No matter that since pornography has become widespread, the divorce and infidelity rates have become equally widespread. No matter... it's natural. This same justification has been used for homosexuality, adultery, and masturbation and those are just the ones I've heard. No doubt it is also used for justification of many other deeply heinous sins. Lets carry this to its logical conclusion. If saying something is natural is the same as saying it is acceptable, then where would we be? In the natural world carnivorous males often dominate their female herds/packs/prides (polygamy). When the male feels sexually inclined, he has sex with any female within reach (rape) including his own daughters/sisters/mother (incest). If another male threatens his standing or seeks to encroach his territory, he fights with and kills him (murder). If there is not enough food to share, the male simply eats his young or a hurt member of the herd/pack/tribe (cannibalism). Just watch Animal Planet for a day and you will very quickly see that we do not want natural to equal acceptable. Indeed there has to be a great deal of self restraint in any civilized society. So it is clear that we cannot look to nature for our moral guidance, so where can we look?
From the Book of Mormon comes this inciteful verse "For the natural man is an enemy to God ... and will be forever unless he putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord." The natural man is an ENEMY to God. Well that settles it. When somebody tells me something is "natural" that's probably a good indication that I want to stay as far away from it as possible. In the example above about "checking out" women as being natural, Christ himself said "and whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already in his heart." If adultery is bad, which it almost universally is considered to be, then pornography and all of its disgusting offspring is too. If we say that to kill in anger is natural but wrong, wouldn't it be safe to say that there are other natural things that are also wrong?
Now, the next time that you seek to justify some action because it is natural... think about
whether it is right, because quite frankly, when deciding whether or not to do something, whether or not it is natural is irrelevant. Let's try to be tolerant the right way. We should respect all people but never indulge practices that are contrary to God's commandments. Let us stand up and say "I respect you as a person, and I love you and so does God, but what you are doing is not right." That is still tolerant. We can say "I have sympathy for the makers of this filth they call a movie, but I will not let their corruption into my house." We don't have to push the limits of the FDA definition of tolerance by seeing how much poison can remain in our diets. If more people can do this, then I can have hope for the world that I am passing onto my son, but if not then I am afraid that we will come to know what exactly it means to be an "enemy to God."
Well done son! You have taken a stand on a very difficult subject and expressed your points very clearly. I just wish everyone I knew would read this. And the only hope my grandson has is to continue in the faith of his parents. This world will become even worse in the years to follow. We have to stand strong against the evil of the world.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest... I strongly disagree on what you say about tolerance. Evrybody is allowed to have an opinion on things. You shared yours so everybody could read and think about it - which truely is an amazing thing. But thinking about it I noticed that I feel different about tolerance and I thought you might be interested in my point of view.
ReplyDeleteFor me tolerance shouldn't at all be about 'feeling sorry and helping to fix a situation'. In my opinion tolerance is kind of an acceptance: One accepts that somebody feels/thinks different about something. There is nothing to be changed or fixed. As I see it by feeling sorry you pick a side while being tolerant would be staying objective.
I probably feel so strongly about tolerance because I tried to give a lot of it during my stay in Utah and few people seemed to have noticed.
I love you guys a lot and I appreciate every part of your beliefs that I came accross, but in some situations I understood why some people might find you closed-minded.
This is not meant rudely or disrespectful in any way. I enjoyed reading your blog and hope you read my little comment with a lt of tolerance ;)
Anja, I think that another definition of tolerance could be: the ability to have different opinions and still maintain respect for other people. Thank you for sharing your opinion. Don't worry, I don't think that it is rude for people to disagree with me. I truly believe that the only way we grow is by having our perceptions and opinions challenged. What you described I would classify as acceptance. I think that is the perfect word for it. Acceptance is being objective and not making a moral judgement. The experiences that led me to view the word tolerance the way I do came from how it was used. When I would make my beliefs and standards known to people, they would say that I needed to be more tolerant. For example, a group of my friends wanted to watch a movie that violated my standards. When I refused to watch it they said I needed to be more tolerant. In their eyes, tolerating meant participating. The word acceptance calls to mind the realization that people are different and there are other lifestyles and beliefs and those people are just as legitimate and worthy of respect and love as those who agree with you. I think that Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of acceptance. He constantly associated with prostitutes and criminals and showed them love and respect. In fact, the people that Jesus didn't like were the judgmental, closed minded ones. I think that we need a lot more acceptance for individuals, without embracing those things that will erode our standards and values.